میانگین شدت فلورسانس
for NR2F1 showed a significant increase in the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of nuclear NR2F1 in C26-treated cells
and whiskers (minimum to maximum values) of nuclear NR2F1 MFI per cell (DMSO, 64 cells; 0.2 µM, 26 cells; 0.5 µM, 29 cells; 1 µM, 23 cells from two
A and C) and MFI per nucleus (Fig. 6, A and D).
(D) Graph showing box (25th to 75th percentile) and whiskers (minimum to maximum values) of nuclear NR2F1 MFI
nuclear p27 MFI per cell in vimentin+ tumor cells.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران